Management, Chief Executive Office
The office coordinates: Procurement and Finance; Competency and Human Resource Management; Strategic Affairs; Basic services; Information Communication Technology and Institutional Change Executives offices.
Main functions:
- Coordinate, Monitor how the systems are operating and Evaluate the services provided by the entire executives.
- Generate new working ideas related to the entire executives; prepare guidelines and institutional regulations minimizing long bureaucratic exercises.
- Develop or modify operational systems enabling the provision of practical and complete basic services, design methods to provide efficient services, supervise and coordinate there implementations.
- Monitor and ensure the basic contents of external projects (financial, economic and social feasibility, technical relevance and environmental impact assessment) whether they are prepared in an integrated form to determine there feasibility.
- Develop, monitor, and improve the performance of partners’ relations, resource mobilization, and project management systems.
- Explore financial options, manage and coordinate tasks related to resource finding from various development partners.
- Negotiates with development partners on project options for which financial support is available; coordinate, monitor and verify there implementation.
- Coordinate, direct, verify, control and evaluate activities carried out in the sector.
- Ensures the implementation of guidelines, circulars, government proclamations and regulations.
- Conduct and coordinate capacity building trainings.
- Monitor and support activities carried out by the Chief Executive.
Contact Adresses
Teshome Zewdie, CEO
Telephone : +251 911753112