Policy and Socio-economics Research Directorate
Policy and Socio-economics Research is one of the core research program in the Ethiopian Forestry Development (EFD) established by proclamation No. 1263/2021. The powers and duties of EFD are provided by the Council of Ministers Regulation No. 505/2022. Policy and Socio-economics Research (PSER) Directorate is established to contribute to the overall goals of EFD to modernize Ethiopia’s forestry sector and help the sector to properly play its role in the national economy. PSER envisions that forest sector has immense potential to contribute to the country’s ambitious targets set in the CRGE and REDD+ Strategies, NFSDP (National Forest Sector Development Program), NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions), and 10-YDP (Ten Years Development Plan). Among others, there are enormous opportunities in the forestry sector to enhance and sustain the country’s economic development, create green jobs and foster climate change adaptation and mitigation potentials.
The overall objective of PSER is, therefore, to conduct rigorous research and generate quality and demand-driven socio-economic information for policy support and leveraging the transformation of Ethiopia’s forestry sector and boost the contribution of forest resources to national economy, generates employment, contributes towards self-sufficiency in forest products and enhance environmental services. The research thematic areas of PSER are designed primarily to fulfill the mandates of EFD and contribute to the implementation of 10-YDP, CRGE and REDD+ Strategies, NDC, NFSDP and other related international commitments. The key research thematic areas include socio-economics, governance, institution and policy analysis with the aim to provide decision-makers with knowledge-based solutions. Specifically PSER’s research theme focuses on economic analysis of forest products; market and value chain analysis and development; forest accounting and ecosystem valuation; social dynamics and impacts studies; technology adoption and dissemination; social and gender inclusion; and research on forest knowledge and technology transfer. Currently PSER program has four research projects structured under six EFD centers:
1) Forest Policy and Investment Research Project;
2) Community-Based Forest Research Project;
3) Forest Products Marketing Research Project;
4) Technology Evaluation and Knowledge Transfer Research Project.
Contact address
Alemayehu Negassa (PhD)
- Email: alemayehunayana@gmail.com
- alemayehun@efd.gov.et
- Mobile phone: +251911175846