Central Ethiopia Forestry Development Center (CEFDC)

The Central Ethiopia Forestry Development Center (CEFDC) is one of the Federal institutions under the Ethiopian Forestry Development (EFD) Center located at Addis Ababa. The Center was established in 1975 as Forestry Research Centre (FRC) under the then State Forest Agency. From 1979 to 1982, i.e., in a second phase of UNDP/FAO, emphasis was given mainly to the seed Centre at FRC and to multi – location species trials. The main research activities of the FRC focused on establishment of indigenous and introduced tree species and provenance trial, seed physiology, development of nursery techniques, trials on spacing management, planting techniques, etc. and development of an appropriate silvicultural system. At the termination of FAO support, IDRC (Canada) began to supporting the field research program of FRC focusing on agro-forestry research for the first time. Realizing the need to undertake systematic and coordinated research in the country, the Federal Government of Ethiopia recognized the National Agricultural Research System and established the then Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO) in June, 1997 by proclamation (Federal Negarit Gazeta, 1997). Because of this FRC was transferred to EARO following the proclamation. This was the epoch in which organized forestry research began with a relatively good foundation. With the establishment of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change (MEFCC) in 2014, FRC was moved to the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI) established by Regulation No. 327/2014 by the Council of Ministers. The then FRC got its name Central Ethiopia Environment and Forest Research Center (CEE-FRC) since July, 2015 up to April, 2022 and renamed as Central Ethiopia Forestry Development Centre (CEFDC) since April, 2022.
The Centre was undertaking development-oriented research on forest related activities at Federal level stationed at Gurd Shola, Bole Sub city wereda 06&07 in Addis Ababa. Its mandate area covers most specifically in Central Ethiopia namely the four Zones of Wellega (East, West, Horogudru and South Western) of South Western; Western and Eastern Showa Zones; West and East Arsi Zones; Oromia South and West Wello Zones of Amhara Regional State; Assosa and Kamashi Zone of Benishangul – Gumuz Regional State. The remaining covers the North Showa Zone and South and Western Wello Zones of Amhara and Siltie and Gurage Zones of Centra Ethiopia Peoples Regional State, some parts of Afar Region and Addis Ababa City Administration. With this, CEFDC operates on a number of old and new research stations located at Welmera wereda (Holetta, Gefersa, Ellalla Gojjo, Menagesha Kolobo), East ArsiZone (Duna, Harobilalo, etc), Wolkite and 2 research sub-centers located at Debre Berhan and Bishoftu across its mandate area.
Currently, CEFDC has 80 researchers, 27 technical staffs and 76 administrative staff. Most of the staffs are posted in Addis Ababa. The Centre consists of well-established and modern tree seed laboratory, forest pathology laboratory, biotechnology laboratory, plant and soil analysis laboratory, three tree nurseries located at Gurdshola, Holetta and Bishoftu, and 121 permanent established seed source stands. CEFDC plays a leading role in the collection and distribution of quality forest seeds in the country, and provides training on tree seed source development and management, the collection, processing and testing of forest seeds. Nowadays, CEFDC is actively working on development-oriented research projects in collaboration with national and international organizations and partners. Accordingly, CEFDC is implementing over 20 mega research projects under three research programs: Plantation Research Program, Natural Forest and Climate Change Research Program and Policy and Socio-economics Research Program. CEFDC also runs a Service Provision Program mainly on distribution of quality forest seeds on average 8,000 kg/year from more than 30 indigenous and exotic tree/shrub species.
Mehari Alebachew (Ph.D)
Director, Central Ethiopia Forestry Development Centre
- Office fixed line: +251 116 45 65 77
- Mobile phone: +251 911 356756
- Personal e-mail: meharia@efd.gov.et /or/ meharialebachew25@gmail.com
- skype:meharialebachew2
Contact us
- P.o.box: 30708 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- E-mail: central_ethiopia@efd.gov.et
- Office fixed line: +251 114 04 44 44
- Fax: +251 116 46 03 45