Main Objective of the Position:
Participatory forest management, forest disaster prevention and forest ecosystem activities by planning, directing, coordinating and supporting; It is to achieve the work department’s plan by establishing a working system, providing professional support and conducting research and making the society benefit from the sector.
Expected outcomes and tasks to be performed
Outcome 1: Plan, organize, coordinate and direct the activities of the chief executive
Tasks to be performed:
- Based on the institution’s vision and mission, he prepares and presents the plan of the three desks in time, prepares a work schedule, distributes tasks to the desks, monitors the implementation, coordinates, participates in the institution’s planning;
- Prepares the budget plan required for the work unit, and when approved, monitors, supervises and directs the use of the country’s financial guidelines for the intended purpose;
- Plans and fulfills the human resources, finance, logistics, technologies and resources required for the operations of the work unit;
- To increase the motivation and effectiveness of the desk officers and experts in the desks, it will study the obstacles of organization, human resources and procedures to provide the necessary support to have a comfortable working environment.
- Measures performance, evaluates, identifies gaps, provides feedback and identifies and implements various capacity building options;
- Monitors the proper provision of services to internal and external customers for the desks under the chief executive; Responds to complaints.
- Facilitates conditions for creating working relationships with internal and external entities that are important to the executive; Discusses, negotiates, and decides on matters that require a decision; It makes them decide.
- Coordinates and prepares performance reports at the executive level; It provides to the concerned. Based on the feedback provided, it will be monitored for implementation.
- Periodically checking the operating system of the desks under the chief executive, preparing a next plan to make the work efficient;
- Monitors the implementation of strategic plans designed to achieve the mission and vision within the given time limit; Identifies bottlenecks to work;
Outcome 2: Conducting research on natural forest management and management, establishing and verifying operational system
Tasks to be performed:
- Generates ideas that can be used as resources for the preparation of policies, decrees, regulations and guidelines that enable natural forest management and management to be effective and implemented, provides policy resources, monitors the implementation of policies;
- Prepares coordinated procedures and manuals to facilitate the management and management of natural forests; Monitors their implementation.
- Conducts, evaluates and verifies research on forest management plan preparation, participatory forest management, and forest fire, pest and invasive weed prevention and control.
- Prepares a research paper on invasive weed species; Updates the prepared document. According to the leaked document, the representative of all regions will conduct trainer training and make it take place; Monitors their implementation.
- Natural forests are included in the participatory forest management system and are maintained sustainably in a manner that benefits the society, monitors, evaluates, and provides professional support.
- Preparation of forest management plan through participatory forest management; Develops strategies for research specific issues; It is designed by the relevant officials and monitors its implementation.
- To identify the strategic, economic and ecologically important forests of plant species in the natural forest and to monitor and support them to prepare a management plan.
- Designs, implements, monitor and evaluate a program for replanting damaged natural forests and rehabilitating them through participatory forest management and planting and caring for saplings in open areas.
Outcome 3: Establishing a natural forest protection and care system, conducting and monitoring research activities;
Tasks to be performed:
- Coordinates the preparation of forest management plan in a participatory forest management system, the protection and maintenance of natural forests, and the prevention and control of forest fires, pests and invasive weeds in a scientific and modern way, and monitors its implementation.
- In the protection and care of natural forest, it will carry out precautionary and control activities related to the risk of fire, odor, pest, health and invasive weeds; He will also monitor his performance.
- Participatory forest management designs a strategy for the protection and care of natural forests as well as the prevention and control of forest fires, pests and invasive weeds; It will be made possible by the relevant officials, it will provide appropriate support to put them into action, and it will monitor their implementation.
- Based on indigenous knowledge and experience, natural forest protection and care will be designed through participatory forest management to ensure that forest species are protected and left intact; They will be monitored and supported.
- Diseases, pests and invasive plants that damage the natural forest; Establishes a system of procedures to protect small organisms and insects; He coordinates and directs the implementation.
- It will coordinate with the relevant parties to ensure that the absolute strict forests of historical, biodiversity and environmental importance are legally recognized and registered as international heritage;
- Protecting and controlling natural forests from fire, pests and diseases as well as invasive weed infestations. Natural forests are included in the participatory forest management system and work to find resources for livelihood improvement activities for the benefit of the society.
Outcome 4: Coordinating training and awareness activities regarding natural forest management and management, formulating and implementing project proposals
- Tasks to be performed:
- Plans capacity building activities, monitors their implementation.
- Together with the relevant stakeholders, it will identify the problems and challenges that are occurring around the protection of natural forests, and it will prepare, coordinate and lead a discussion forum on solutions.
- Prepares texts and manuals for discussion and training; Prepares, evaluates, and distributes to stakeholders.
- Collects necessary training resources for training; Leads the training process, coordinates, provides training, and receives feedback.
- Prepares and leads training and discussion forums that increase the awareness of the community and experts in the area of advocacy and strict natural forests.
- It will identify the problems and challenges faced in the protection of natural forest; Generates problem-solving ideas; Gives a decision. Monitors performance.
- Formulates project proposals to assist in the implementation of natural forest protection and care; When resources are available for the implementation of projects, it monitors the implementation of implementation works. It evaluates the results.
- Designs a method of knowledge transfer to the desk officers and experts by identifying and gathering the best practices in the country and abroad, and makes it practical.
Outcome 5: Perform monitoring and support activities.
Tasks to be performed:
- Support and follow up on the protection, development and care of natural forests at the national level through participatory forest management and the management plan that will be prepared, monitor their implementation and provide feedback. ;
- Evaluates complaints submitted by the community related to the protection and development of natural forests and provides the necessary response, makes it available, and monitors its implementation.
- Monitors, evaluates, and directs the implementation of laws issued to preserve, develop, and sustainably use natural forests.
- Compiles and submits a periodic performance report to the Deputy Director General of Forestry; Receives feedback.
- Together with partner organizations, it will study and take care of the condition of indigenous natural forests around faith institutions, make a strong coordination system, conduct appropriate monitoring, support and evaluation, coordinate and lead.
Responsibilities for the Impacts
- The main job is to plan, guide, coordinate and build the capacity of the chief executive, make decisions on issues that need to be decided, conduct and coordinate studies, discuss, negotiate, and decide on any issues related to the desks under him, participatory forest management, forest disaster prevention, and the forest ecosystem in general.
- Deciding on issues, making decisions, conducting studies to solve problems, formulating support project proposals, ensuring that the received support is used for the intended purpose, evaluating operations, generating policy ideas around natural forest protection, development and use, protecting natural forests from damage and sustainably establishing a working system to be used, coordinating training and awareness raising activities to maintain and develop natural forests, monitoring and encouraging the professionals and workers under the executive to increase their motivation and improve their efficiency, designing a strategy to identify the natural needs of plant species in natural forests and the protection and care that should be done,
- Evaluating complaints from the community related to the protection and development of forests, giving the necessary response, ensuring that forests with high historical, biodiversity and environmental importance are legally recognized and registered as international heritage, cleaning and the condition of indigenous natural forests around religious institutions,
- It requires monitoring and support so that they can be researched and taken care of, natural forests are included in a participatory forest management system and are sustainably preserved in a way that benefits the society.
If these activities detailed above are not carried out properly፡
- The forest will lose its benefits for ecosystem services;
- It worsens the spread of desertification,
- it causes the wild animals living in the natural forest to migrate to neighboring countries due to the loss of shelter,
- It makes the indigenous and endangered natural forest species more endangered, especially in desert areas such as frankincense and gum that bring in foreign currency by destroying the forest trees that bring foreign currency to the country.
- It will deprive her, the source of food, medicine, as well as many ecosystem services and the shelter of diversity of life.
- Therefore, the leading executive should perform his work with great responsibility and accountability in coordination with other bodies at every level.
- Cell phone: +251-913-52-45-42
- Office No.: +251-111-70-40-16
- Email: or